This might be the most significant question for business leaders and organizations in light of our current Climate.
In speaking with clients and fellow business leaders, there is confusion and even frustration with not knowing how to move forward with so much uncertainty.
Here are a few thoughts from the team at DSB Leadership:
Respond by staying the same. Stay true to who you are. Do not panic, but rather demonstrate your Mission Statement — your Core Values — your resolve to be what you say you are. We have a responsibility to our employees and to our clientbase. If it is customer service, then never tire of delivering the highest standard of service. Do “the right thing” everytime. This will make a lasting impression and further define your Brand.
Don’t overreact but rather respond appropriately and rationally. Your leadership is needed right now! Others are looking to you. Stay informed and communicate clearly.
Trust that because you’ve empowered your employees, they will be diligent and adapt. This will lead to even greater productivity and dare I say even greater investment and loyalty to you and the organization.
Remember that this can be a time of great opportunity. The most inspirational stories have been birthed from some of the most difficult periods and moments of life. From the darkest times of our history have come stories of hope, success and innovation.
Grasp the opportunity to connect deeper with your family. Grasp the opportunity to connect deeper with your clients and strategic partners. This is a vulnerable period but true empathy and connectivity are what we all need. I am personally inspired by how so many individuals and businesses have provided resources and support to those in great need.
Take advantage of Technology. Factor virtual meetings and even the good ol’ fashion phone conversation (Face Time is pretty cool). As much of our business at DSB Leadership involves in person Training & Presenting; we also have had to adjust and take advantage of technology. We are presenting options for our clients who want to give their employees who are working remotely the same level of support for their own development. Can your team use a motivational speech or a timely training on communication? Think about providing them with resources such as ours and they will see and feel your continued belief in them and in their own development. This ultimately fuels the growth of your organization.
So, how do we respond?
We respond by Staying the Same
We respond by Trusting and Empowering
We respond by Seizing Opportunities to Connect
We respond by Taking Advantage of Technology
We are resilient! Stay calm, stay informed and stay intentional.
Don’t hesitate to contact the DSB Leadership Group for Resources and Support. Let’s respond together